Transparency and Anti-Corruption

In the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, widespread corruption and insecurity have resulted in a loss of public confidence in democratic institutions.  The CSIS Americas project focuses on south-south cooperation and analyzes lessons learned in Chile, Uruguay, and Colombia in areas of transparency, anti-corruption, and citizen security and compares them with the opportunities and demands from the Northern Triangle countries for cooperation that can reinforce and strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms.

CSIS serves as a resource and a bridge for participating countries, helping identify avenues for technical know-how and experience to strengthen public and private institutions in combating corruption in Northern Triangle countries. The CSIS project also documents and analyzes links between reduced corruption and increased citizen security.  You can find the final report below.

As part of the project, partners in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Chile, Uruguay, and Colombia prepared diagnostic and assessment reports to both identify areas of improvement (in the Northern Triangle) and best practices (in Chile, Uruguay, and Colombia).  The reports in Spanish are available below.

In October 2018, civil society and government partners from the six countries and the United States attended a conference in Santiago, Chile, where they took part in two days of discussions and working groups.  You can read more about the conference in this press release.  Concrete conclusions and recommendations from the conference are available below in English and Spanish.