Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy
The Brzezinski Institute examines the unique interaction of history, geography, and strategy, with a goal of developing policy-relevant analysis and recommendations
The mission of the Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy is to examine the unique interaction of history, geography, and strategy, with a goal of developing policy-relevant analysis and recommendations. Geostrategy incorporates both geopolitics and historically rooted national impulses in the formulation of prescriptive long-term geostrategies. The Institute seeks to further the study of geostrategy and to inspire a new generation of strategic policy thinkers in the United States and abroad.
Institute Projects
The Brzezinski Institute supports projects focusing on geostrategy, with the goal of developing policy-relevant analysis and recommendations. The choice of the term geostrategy is deliberate. Reaching beyond traditional geopolitics, geostrategy includes the cumulative role of history, of the effects of global political awakening, and of the dramatic transformation in the nature of warfare in the shaping of comprehensive national security policy.
All Brzezinski Institute on Geostrategy Content
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The Zbigniew Brzezinski Annual Prize and Lecture
Event — October 5, 2017
Safety on the New Silk Road
Report by Jonathan E. Hillman — June 14, 2017
Report Launch: "The Other Side of the World"
Event — April 24, 2017
The Other Side of the World: China, the United States, and the Struggle for Middle East Security
Report by Jon B. Alterman — March 14, 2017
Middle East Notes and Comment: Politics and Patriotism
Newsletter by Jon B. Alterman — January 18, 2017
History Lessons for the Arctic
Event — December 19, 2016
Reconnecting Asia: Launch
Event — October 25, 2016
The Inaugural Zbigniew Brzezinski Annual Prize and Lecture
Event — April 12, 2016
The Inaugural Zbigniew Brzezinski Annual Prize and Lecture
Podcast Episode by John J. Hamre — April 12, 2016