About EFF 2015

In 2015—its first year—the Energy Futures Forum began with the identification with ten trends. These trends were subsequently researched through an extensive literature review and refined at three workshops, where open conversation was encouraged and feedback on each of the trends was solicited. This preliminary research and deliberation culminated into three final trends, which were selected for the first annual Energy Futures Forum, held in July 2015. The invite-only conference, attended by approximately 60 industry, government, academic, and non-profit stakeholders, featured expert presenters on each topic as well as a moderated conversation.

Final Topics

  • Middle East Oil Dynamics: how domestic political considerations could shift production decisions in Saudi Arabia;

    The key drivers of oil production for low cost oil producers in the Middle East may be changing as a result of external and internal domestic market and political dynamics. This trend explored how the world’s most strategically relevant low cost oil producer, Saudi Arabia, may think about its short- and long-term priorities, how this accounts for the actions of other regional low cost producers, and implications for oil markets in the coming decade.
  • Changing Concepts of Mobility: how vehicle and ride sharing may impact energy demand and vehicle ownership;

    Vehicle sharing is not a new phenomenon but one that is changing in potentially important ways, enabled by new technologies, policies, and societal preferences. As participation in the market continues to expand, the likely growth path for vehicle sharing in developed and developing economies will impact consumer driving, car purchasing, and mobility behavior as well as fuel consumption.
  • Carbon Clubs and Climate Action: where future ambition will come from in driving emission reductions globally.

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a central goal in the fight against global climate change and a process that may intensify over the next decade with significant impacts for the energy sector. Two options explored included 1) linking the existing cap and trade or carbon tax regimes to create larger markets with explicit carbon prices or 2) coordinated efforts by governments, financial institutions, corporations, and civil society to create “tipping points” in various markets and sectors of the economy.


Photo: CSIS

Photo: CSIS