Engaging Global Gas Players on Methane Emissions

Developing a theory of change on lowering methane emissions from global gas

The CSIS Energy Security and Climate Change Program has undertaken a multi-phase research initiative to analyze how the global gas system may evolve to lower methane emissions. The oil and gas industry—one of the largest anthropogenic sources of methane—offers the fastest and most cost-effective opportunity to cut emissions.

CSIS has outlined the structure of the global gas market, the drivers for individual companies and financial institutions, and the broader ecosystem that influences their climate and sustainability priorities. The research includes analysis of the current and projected supply and demand for natural gas with a reduced methane emissions footprint, as well as how new technologies, methane emissions data, and policy shifts might influence the market. The final paper includes policy recommendations and suggests engagement strategies with various global gas players to cut methane emissions from global liquefied natural gas (LNG).



This collaborative project is made possible by support from Environmental Defense Fund.