Youth, Prosperity, and Security Initiative

Exploring the near- and long-term economic, social, and geopolitical implications of youth development trends around the world. In partnership with the International Youth Foundation

With half the world's population under the age of 30, global development, prosperity, and security are increasingly dependent on our collective ability -- across public and private sectors -- to capitalize on the productivity and potential of young people, and ensure they have a stake in building a more stable and prosperous world.  In partnership with the International Youth Foundation (IYF), the Youth, Prosperity, and Security Initiative will examine the opportunities and challenges facing young people around the world, and expand the conversation about youth and global development, economic growth, and social progress.

A first major project of the Initiative is to create an innovative Global Youth Wellbeing Index, which will gather available data related to youth to assess and compare the state of young people’s development around the world and measure progress.  The Index seeks to help key stakeholders to make sense of disconnected data on youth learning, livelihoods, community and political engagement, health, ICT, other aspects of youth wellbeing. Ultimately, it could provide public and private sector policy and decision-makers a simpler way to understand the big picture, guide actions and investments, and drive progress over time. The Index project is principally supported by Hilton Worldwide.

The Initiative also hosts a public and private event series with leading policy-makers and thought leaders to elevate the dialogue and stimulate debate on global youth affairs.