About the China Balance Sheet
The dramatic rise in China’s global economic power, its increasing regional influence, its growing military capabilities, and the complex dynamics of its internal transformation are sources of increasing concern to the U.S. policy community and public. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Peterson Institute for International Economics have launched a joint multiyear project that will bring together leading specialists and analysts from the two institutions to provide regular, comprehensive, and objective information and analysis of changes in contemporary China’s internal evolution and global role. The project is designed to help the United States better understand the facts and dynamics underpinning China’s rise and suggest policy responses in both countries that not only maximize the opportunities for China’s constructive integration into the international community but also contribute to forming a domestic consensus that will provide a stable foundation for such policies.
The centerpiece of the project will be a series of comprehensive books, the latest of which, entitled China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities, is now available. An earlier book, China: The Balance Sheet, was published in April 2006. China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities presents the most important statistical facts about China’s economic, political, social, and military development, along with analysis and discussion of their implications for the United States. As such, the book will serve as an indispensable resource for policymakers and practitioners who need to think strategically about China.