Commission on Smart Global Health Policy

The CSIS Commission on Smart Global Health Policy developed actionable recommendations for a long-term, strategic U.S. approach to global health

The CSIS Commission on Smart Global Health Policy works to develop actionable recommendations for a long-term, strategic U.S. approach to global health, which culminated in a Commission report released in March 2010. Heir to the successful CSIS Commission on Smart Power, the Commission is the first diverse, high-level group to weigh the future of U.S. global health investments both during the worsening global economic crisis and the deliberations over foreign assistance reform in the new administration and Congress.

More about the Launch Event of the CSIS Commission on Smart Global Health Policy

The Commission operates from the premise that investments in health, while benefiting people first, also have rising foreign policy, security, economic and development stakes, of direct import to long-term U.S. national interests. The Commission works closely with senior policy makers in the Obama administration and both parties in Congress to ensure interest in its work and guarantee success in seeing its recommendations translated into actions.

The Commission is co-chaired by Dr. Helene Gayle, President and CEO of CARE, and Admiral William J. Fallon, former Commander of both the U.S. Central Command and U.S. Pacific Command.