“Nationalism of Putin’s Era Veils Sins of Stalin’s.” Results of the CSIS survey of young Russians on their attitudes towards Stalin are mentioned in this article in the New York Times.  November 26, 2008.

Sarah Mendelson discusses the rewriting of Russian history in the context of Russia’s 2007 legislative elections on the BBC's The World Today. November 22, 2007.

“Russian Youth ‘Long for the USSR’” (Russian language). BBC’s Russian news reports results from Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber’s (University of Wisconsin-Madison) survey of young Russians on their perceptions of the past. July 26, 2007.

“Russia’s Soviet Past Still Haunts Relations with West.” Sarah Mendelson discusses the CSIS survey of young Russians and their attitudes towards Stalin in this Council on Foreign Relations article by Lionel Beehner.  June 29, 2007.

"Stalin's Legacy" Sarah Mendelson discusses support and ambivalence for Stalin among Russians today in this interview with Claire Bolderson on the BBC Worldservice program Newshour. January 16, 2006.