This page includes key research materials, developed by iCon members, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), on the challenge of closing space faced by civil society. These resources will be beneficial to inform concerned groups with challenges faced by civil society around the world.
General Background on Closing Space
Identifying New Programmatic Models
- Ed Rekosh, “Old Dogs and New Tricks: Rethinking Human Rights Business Models”
- Jens Siegert, “Does Russian Civil Society Exist Today”
- John Harvey and Andrzej Kozloski, “Internationally Engaged Foundations: Coping with the Disabling Environment”
- The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, "The State of Civil Society in Some EU Countries and Russia: Summary"
- Grigory Okhotin, "Crowdfunding to Bypass Russia’s Civil Society Crackdown"
- Inés M. Pousadela & Anabel Cruz, "The Sustainability of Latin American CSOs: Historical Patterns and New Funding Sources"
- WACSI, "The State of Civil Society Organisations’ Sustainability in Ghana: Striving, Surviving or Thriving?"
- Dzodzi Tsikata, Maame Gyekye-Jandoh and Martin Hushie, "Political Economy Analysis (PEA) of Civil Society in Ghana"
- Charity and Security Network, "Report on Financial Access for U.S. Nonprofits Reveals Broad Scope of Problem"
- Thomas Carothers, "The Closing Space Challenge: How are Funders Responding?"
- Poonam Joshi, Fund for Global Human Rights, "Challenging the Closing Space for Civil Society: A Practical Starting Point for Funders"
Broadening Domestic Constituencies
Strengthening Transnational Solidarity
Aligning Security and Civic Space