Human Rights in Russia

The Human Rights in Russia Project tracks, through survey data, the state of political and social development in Russia

Creeping authoritarianism and growing nationalism are undermining democracy and rule of law in Russia. But Russia’s post-Soviet political trajectory remains a critical Euro-Atlantic security concern.

To better understand the state of political development, particularly human rights and rule of law, CSIS has, since 2001, conducted nearly a dozen public opinion surveys examining a range of issues on the following topics:

CSIS is grateful to the donors that have made this work on human rights in Russia possible:

  • Ford Foundation (2004-present)
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (2004-2007, 2009)
  • The Glaser Progress Foundation (2002-2004)
  • The National Council for Eurasian and Eastern European Research (NCEEER) (2003)
  • The State Department- Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (2002-2005)
  • USAID (2002-2004)