Attitudes towards Human Rights

Casualty Sensitivity in a Post-Soviet Context:
Russian Views of the Second Chechen War, 2001–2004  

Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber (University of Wisconsin-Madison) analyze Russian public opinion on the second war in Chechnya.  They show that concerns over Russian military casualties and the war's economic costs were the dominant sentiments, despite the Russian government's monopoly on media coverage of the conflict.  Moreover, they argue that the war appears to have fueled ethnic animosity toward Chechens. Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 123, No. 1, Spring 2008. Paper available upon request.

Russian Public Opinion on Human Rights and the War in Chechnya (pdf)
Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber report on their survey from fall 2001. Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol. 18, No. 4, October-December 2002.

Grazhdane Rossii o Pravakh Cheloveka
(“Russians on human Rights,” article in Russian)
Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber in Monitoring Obshchestvennogo Mneniia: Ekonomicheskie i Sotsial'nye Peremeny (No. 58), March/April 2002; Pravozashchitnik (No.2), April-July 2002.

How Russians Think about Human Rights: Recent Survey Data
Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber. PONARS Policy Memo (number 221). January 25, 2002.

The Disconnect in How Russians Think about Human Rights and Chechnya: A Consequence of Media Manipulation
Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber. PONARS Policy Memo (number 244). January 2002.

How Russians Think about Chechnya
Sarah Mendelson and Ted Gerber. PONARS Policy Memo (number 243). January 2002.