CSIS-Pennington Family Foundation Series on Community Resilience
A forum to discuss strengthening the resilience of communities in disaster-prone areas through the lenses of philanthropy, business and policy. With Support from Walmart
Natural disasters cost Americans over $50 billion in 2011, making it the most costly year, in terms of damage sustained, in over three decades. As natural disasters continue to affect the U.S., decimating homes and livelihoods, it is important to explore not only immediate, short term disaster assistance, but also the long-term efforts that are vital for the resilience of affected communities. This series provides a forum for government officials, experts, academics, philanthropists, nongovernmental organizations, and business and community leaders to discuss strengthening the resilience of communities in disaster-prone areas from the perspectives of different sectors, including philanthropy, business and policy.
Series events will take place quarterly and will touch upon such topics as:
- How to move toward more effective philanthropic efforts to support community resilience through cross-sector coordination
- The role of business and private industry in disaster preparedness
- Supply chain and private sector resilience
- Crisis leadership for disaster resilience
For the latest updates on the recovery surrounding Super Typhoon Haiyan and for information on how you can help please visit: