SIPRI Research on technology transfers, global disarmament and regional security, ethics and CBW, promoting bioweapons disarmament, implementation of 1993 CWC, bioweapons news, ethics in CBW research.

New Defense Agenda

Recently-formed grouof roughly 50 bioterrorism experts that meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues relating to bioterrorism

BioWeapons Prevention Project (BWPP)

Organization of NGOs dedicated to the ‘monitoring and strengthening of international norms against the development of biological weapons ’ via monitoring, reporting and networking

MIPT – Biological Weapons and Bioterrorism Websites

This website contains a vast collection of articles/reports relating to a multitude of topics regarding biological weapons and bioterrorism. Also contains specific technical and tactical information of interest to first responders, the private sector as well as state and local officials represents a significant portion of MIPT ’s online literature.

National Academies/CISAC – Biological Weapons Working Group(BWWP)

A working groupthat meets regularly with former Soviet bioweapons scientists to discuss bioweapons limitations and create confidence building exercises.

National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – National Institute of Health

A comprehensive site on bioterrorism aimed at distinct audiences, including researchers, general public and the media. Although some information touches on policy, most has a technical and clinical focus.

Federation of American Scientists

Site contains information about FAS projects to promote awareness in the research community about biosecurity and safety. Also contains fact sheets, news, and links to governmental organizations that deal with biological proliferation

RAND Comprehensive site with information about ongoing RAND projects as well as reports that have already been released.

The Australia Group

Informal arrangement of 38 states implementing voluntary measures for export controls relating to Chemical and Biological Weapons

Biological Weapons and Toxins Convention Website

Contains a brief history of events and intentions leading upto the signing of the BWC as well as the full text of the treaty as well as the full list of signatories

CNS G8 Global Partnership Resource Site

Contains links grouped by respective G8 meetings: Sea Island, Evian, Kananaskis as well as links to its meeting’s report, statement, action plans or declarations, and Congressional testimony

World Health Organization – Preparedness for Deliberate Epidemics

Site is a subsection of the Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response division of the WHO including sections on deliberate epidemics, bioterrorism publications, national preparedness, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (network of outbreak monitoring groups), and pathogens, their symptoms and behavior.

Interpol – Bioterrorism Website

Website contains an explanation of Interpol’s counter-bioterrorism program as well as a list of specific countries that have outlawed bioterrorism