CSIS Series on the Future of the Army National Guard
A forum to discuss the potential roles and duties of the U.S. Army National Guard through the examination of basic principles, structural drivers, and capabilities for different missions
The Army National Guard plays a pivotal role in the security of the Nation. It is simultaneously a reserve component of the United States Army and is the militia noted in the Constitution. The National Guard is available, as a part of the total force, to the President and the governors to respond to emergencies here in the American homeland as well as overseas under Title 10 authorities. As part of the CSIS Series on the Future of the Army National Guard, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted several invitation-only, off-the-record roundtable discussions to support candid, open dialogue among interested, knowledgeable policymakers and practitioners and to inform CSIS analysis and policy recommendations regarding the future of the Guard. Each roundtable addressed a specific topic area relating to the Guard. Each topic page below contains a summary of the roundtable discussion. This series will conclude with a public event during which experts will highlight and discuss findings and recommendations that resulted from the project.