Program on Crisis, Conflict, and Cooperation (C3)
The Program on Crisis, Conflict, and Cooperation (C3) is a leading source of analysis on societies affected by crisis and conflict and makes recommendations on cooperative strategies for crisis response and conflict management
Instability, violence, conflict, disaster, and poverty are permanent features of the international landscape. Civilian and military leaders in the developed world are repeatedly called on to respond to complex crises, but the record of success is mixed and not, overall, encouraging. Outsiders rarely have the knowledge, skills, patience, or resources to transform conflict, reduce violence, and overcome fragility. In a time of economic crisis and declining budgets, many donors are seeking new approaches that are less costly for them, less disruptive to recipient societies, and more effective at sustaining positive outcomes and breaking dependency on foreign aid.
The Program on Crisis, Conflict, and Cooperation (C3) educates decisionmakers worldwide about complex issues at the intersection of conflict, crisis, development, and governance. Established in 2002 as the Post-Conflict Reconstruction (PCR) Project, today the C3 program:
- MONITORS, evaluates, and advises on peace building, stabilization, development, and transition efforts
- ANALYZES aid and investment plans for flawed assumptions about local feasibility and absorptive capacity
- STUDIES private-sector activity in countries affected by conflict, violence, and fragility to increase investment and economic activity, minimize risk, and capture positive spillovers
- ADVISES donors on improving delivery capacity, institutionalizing lessons and knowledge, and customizing aid to local conditions
- COLLECTS and analyzes data on international responses to protests, coups, conflicts, and political transitions
- RESEARCHES and maps statelets, hybrid governance, informal economies, non-Westphalian sovereignty, and other emerging crisis environments
All Program on Crisis, Conflict, and Cooperation (C3) Content
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The Uncertain Transition from Stability to Peace
Report by Sarah Minot Asrar, Robert D. Lamb, and Kathryn Mixon — February 13, 2015
Advances and Challenges in Political Transitions
Report by Robert D. Lamb, Joy Aoun, Scott Aughenbaugh, Ernest Bower, Heather A. Conley, Richard Downie, Persis Khambatta, Andrew C. Kuchins, Stephen Lennon, Carl Meacham, Richard Rossow, and Thomas M. Sanderson and Johanna Mendelson Forman — October 30, 2014
Advances and Challenges in Political Transitions
Event — October 21, 2014
Opportunities in the Development of Pakistan’s Private Sector
Report by Sadika Hameed — September 19, 2014
Rethinking Legitimacy and Illegitimacy
Report by Robert D. Lamb — May 20, 2014
FYSA: For Your Situational Awareness l Issue 6
Newsletter by Clark A. Murdock, Robert D. Lamb and Scott Aughenbaugh, and Jesse Ellman — April 23, 2014
FYSA: For Your Situational Awareness l Issue 5
Newsletter by Stephanie Sanok Kostro, Kathryn Mixon and David J. Berteau and Kathleen H. Hicks — March 21, 2014
The Next Three Years of International Development Assistance
Commentary by Jeremiah Magpile and Sadika Hameed — February 10, 2014
Is Revised COIN Manual Backed by Political Will?
Commentary by Robert D. Lamb and Brooke Shawn — February 6, 2014
Funding Empowerment: The Missing Middle, Women led SMEs, and the Assumption Trap
Commentary by Sadika Hameed and Julie Halterman — February 4, 2014