Project on Fragility and Mobility

The Project on Fragility and Mobility at CSIS is committed to reinvigorating U.S. leadership in fragile contexts

Using foresight and policy analysis tools, it provides government, non-profit, and private sector leaders with evidence-based recommendations on how to boost community resilience, ensure safe and orderly human mobility patterns, develop stability out of conflict, and broaden national security conversations to include strengthening civilian tools to achieve these goals.

The Project on Fragility and Mobility provides an interdisciplinary and international space for new voices and new ideas to help rethink and reshape how best to (1) build resilience and prevent transnational threats in places around the world experiencing fragility and (2) align U.S. and allied national security interests with international human mobility-related frameworks, guided by the belief that protecting vulnerable people on the move allows us to secure our collective futures. The project is thus organized around several main issue areas.

Media Queries

Spotlight on  Human Mobility

Photo: JOHN WESSELS/AFP via Getty Images

Photo: JOHN WESSELS/AFP via Getty Images

Evaluating Mozambique’s Security, Humanitarian, and Funding Landscape

The United States and international community needs to reevaluate funding and response models to mitigate Mozambique’s devolving security landscape, weakened humanitarian coordination, and low levels of trust between actors.

Commentary by Nicolas Jude Larnerd and Emilia Columbo — August 8, 2023

Spotlight on  Stabilization and Global Fragility

Photo: Inti Ocon/AFP/Getty Images

Photo: Inti Ocon/AFP/Getty Images

Tracked: Stories at the Intersection of Migration, Technology, and Human Rights

Take a deep dive into the different types of technology migrants encounter on their journeys, how governments use migrant data in decision making, and its implications on human rights.

Digital Report by Lauren Burke Preputnik, Erol Yayboke, ​Marti Flacks, and Anastasia Strouboulis — December 15, 2022

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