China Next Generation Working Group

Informing and influencing U.S.-China nuclear dynamics

In February 2012, PONI convened a second Next Generation Working Group to study the trends and dynamics of U.S.-China nuclear issues and relations. The group’s goal is to inform and influence policy discourses in Washington and Beijing and help shape future U.S. government nuclear policy and strategy vis-à-vis China. In particular, the group seeks to identify key challenges and opportunities in this area and to recommend U.S. policies toward China related to U.S.and Chinese nuclear issues and relations for the next 10–15 years.

The PONI Working Group consists of 14 U.S.-based academics, analysts, and former government officials with expertise in nuclear issues and U.S.-China security dynamics. The Group met regularly for one year to explore the various issues and policy options and reach a consensus on recommendations. In September 2012, members of the Working Group traveled to Beijing for a series of roundtable discussions with Chinese analysts and officials to present the Group’s initial findings and inform the study’s analysis and to Tokyo for discussions with Japanese officials and experts.

This report represents only the views of the Working Group; all members participated solely in their personal capacities, and their involvement in the Group does not imply the agreement or association of any institutions with which they are affiliated with this report or its conclusions. All Working Group members endorse this report’s general policy thrust and judgments, though not necessarily every finding and recommendation. Each Working Group member was offered the opportunity to express any dissenting views. None chose to do so.

The Working Group is composed of the following members:
James M. Acton
Jay K. Brotz
Michael S. Chase
Elbridge A. Colby, Cochair
Abraham M. Denmark, Cochair
M. Taylor Fravel
Michael S. Gerson
Michael C. Horowitz
Patrick Lobner
Oriana S. Mastro
Vipin Narang
Ely Ratner
John K. Warden, Executive Director
Robert Zarate

The following individuals worked with the group as special advisers:
Linton Brooks
Bonnie Glaser
Jeffrey Lewis
David Santoro
Randy Schriver