Japan Chair Platform
Japan Chair Platform, the program’s newsletter from January 2013 to May 2018, was established as a forum to debate the policy challenges Japan faced and their impact on the international community
All Japan Chair Platform Content
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Japan’s Critical Leadership Role on Free and Fair Trade
Newsletter by Shin Ito — May 15, 2018
Japan Chair Platform: Abe Presses On
Newsletter by Nicholas Szechenyi — August 10, 2017
Japan Chair Platform: Moving Forward with TPP 11
Newsletter by Kensuke Abe — May 12, 2017
A New Phase for Japan-China Ties After the South China Sea Ruling
Newsletter by Nozomu Hayashi — August 1, 2016
New Japan Self-Defense Force Missions under the “Proactive Contribution to Peace” Policy: Significance of the 2015 Legislation for Peace and Security
Newsletter by Atsuhiko Fujishige — July 21, 2016
Japanese Firms Look to Expand Exports: New JETRO Survey Results
Newsletter by Hirohisa Akahira — July 14, 2016
Countering China’s Gradual Creation of a Fait Accompli in the South China Sea
Newsletter by Hiroshi Waguri — July 7, 2015
Why Japan Deserves Some Praise on Climate
Newsletter by Llewelyn Hughes — June 19, 2015
How Will the New U.S.-Japan Defense Guidelines Affect Regional Security?
Newsletter by John Hemmings — May 14, 2015
Mr. Abe Goes to Washington
Newsletter by Jeffrey W. Hornung — April 22, 2015