Powering Recovery in the Middle East
Investigating opportunities for donors to support politically- and environmentally-sustainable power infrastructure in conflict-affected settings”
When international actors build electricity infrastructure in conflict-affected environments, the location, scale, and design of what they construct necessarily has both political and economic consequences. Construction contracts create jobs and revenues, and electricity infrastructure creates long-term streams of jobs, income, and benefits.
The CSIS Middle East Program researched the interplay between international policymakers’ political goals and their efforts to reconstruct power infrastructure in conflict-affected settings. We also explored the new opportunities that more decentralized and sustainable power infrastructure provide for donors who seek to promote stability and prosperity in such environments. The project focused on Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, and Yemen as case studies and is based on over 175 interviews from donor governments, UN officials, local actors, and private sector implementers. A senior-level advisory board provided strategic guidance throughout the project.
This project was made possible by a donation from the Embassy of Qatar in Washington, D.C.
Will Todman: Powering Recovery
Podcast Episode by Jon B. Alterman, Will Todman, Lubna Yousef, and Caleb Harper — March 7, 2023
How Renewables Fight Corruption in Conflict-Affected States
Commentary by Will Todman — May 16, 2023
Powering Recovery: Reform, Reconstruction, and Renewables in Conflict-Affected States in the Arab World
After pouring billions of dollars into rebuilding energy systems in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, and Yemen. U.S. and international donors have frustratingly little to show for the effort. In a new report, Will Todman investigates what went wrong and charts a better path forward.
Report by Will Todman, Jon B. Alterman, and Lubna Yousef — March 3, 2023
Powering Recovery in the Middle East: Realities on the Ground
Transcript — April 11, 2023
Blame It on the Bitcoin: How Cryptocurrency Affects Libya's Electricity Grid
Newsletter by Lubna Yousef
Advisory Board Members
All Powering Recovery in the Middle East Content
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How Renewables Fight Corruption in Conflict-Affected States
Commentary by Will Todman — May 16, 2023
Powering Recovery in the Middle East: Realities on the Ground
Transcript — April 11, 2023
Powering Recovery in the Middle East: Realities on the Ground
Event — March 22, 2023
Will Todman: Powering Recovery
Podcast Episode by Jon B. Alterman, Will Todman, Lubna Yousef, and Caleb Harper — March 7, 2023
Blame It on the Bitcoin: How Cryptocurrency Affects Libya's Electricity Grid
Newsletter by Lubna Yousef — November 28, 2022
Advisory Board Members
Newsletter — December 13, 2021