Environment and Governance

Analyzing environment and governance issues and opportunities throughout the region

The Middle East is a region of extremes. It contains both the world’s largest deposits of hydrocarbons and some of the most water-scarce nations in the world. Growing populations challenge governments to supply adequate water, energy, and waste disposal in a manner that is reliable, affordable, and sustainable. The Middle East Program explores innovative ways governments, businesspeople, and civic groups are addressing service provision, energy security, and climate change both within countries and across the region.

Featured Analysis

Drone footage of Lake Sawa in Iraq.

Surviving Scarcity: Water and the Future of the Middle East

Human civilization was born out of the Middle East’s waterways. That water is disappearing, threatening the region’s future. To overcome this threat to security, countries will need to finally confront the political obstacles to sustainable and equitable policies. 

Digital Report by Natasha Hall — March 22, 2024