Video On Demand

U.S.-China Economic Relations in the Next Decade

May 22, 2013 • 9:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT


8:30-9:00    Registration. Light breakfast will be available.

9:00-9:05    Welcoming Remarks

Matthew P. Goodman
William E. Simon Chair in Polititcal Economy, CSIS

9:05-9:15    Opening Remarks

C H Tung
Chairman, China-United States Exchange Foundation
Former Chief Executive of Hong Kong

9:15-10:00 Presentations

Lawrence J. Lau
Professor of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University

Michael Spence
Professor of Economics, Stern School of Business, New York University
Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics (2001)

Wang Chunzheng
Executive Vice-Chairman, China Center for International Economic Exchanges
Former Director, Economic and Financial Leading Group, CPC

10:00-11:20Panel Discussion

Ma Xiuhong
Chairwoman, China Foreign Trade Centre
Former Vice Minister of Commerce, PRC

Dr. Jaana Remes
Principal, McKinsey Global Institute

John Zhao
CEO, HONY Capital
Executive Vice President, Legend Holdings

Peter A. Seligmann
Chairman and CEO, Conservation International

Victor K. Fung (moderator)
Chairman, The Fung Group
Vice-Chairman, China-United States Exchange Foundation

11:20-11:35 Break

11:35-12:20 Introduction of Keynote Speaker

John Podesta
Chair, Center for American Progress

Keynote Remarks

Ambassador Cui Tiankai
Chinese Ambassador to the United States

Closing Remarks

C H Tung
Chairman, China-United States Exchange Foundation
Former Chief Executive of Hong Kong

12:20-1:00 Luncheon

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The Center for Strategic and International Studies would like to thank the China-United States Exchange Foundation for their support of this event.

Matthew P. Goodman

Matthew P. Goodman

Former Senior Vice President for Economics