Presentations and Interviews
[2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005]
10 June 2012
Janusz Bugajski was quoted in the Stars and Stripes article "Tiny Montenegro on track to join NATO".
14 May 2012
Bugajski was interviewed by on America's future global role and relations with Russia.
6 April 2012
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Aljazeera Balkans on "Clinton: U.S. Committed to the Sovereignty of Kosovo"
6 March 2012
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Bulgarian 24 Hours Daily on the topic "Shale Gas Could Reduce Prices"
31 January 2012
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Ukrainian Day Weekly Digest in the article "Why Ukrainian did not Become Synonymous with European"
27 October 2011
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Hungarian news station MR1-Kossuth on the topic "How Much Power Does Russia Have Today"
18 October 2011
Bugajski was quoted in the article "Washington Believes the Russians are Building a Military Base in Nis" in the Serbian online news website Blic.
10 October 2011
Bugajski was interviewed by PBS Newshour on Poland's parliamentary elections "In Poland's Election Not-Too-Bad Economy Helps Incumbent"
26 July 2011
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation in the Senate at the annual event of the Central and East European Coalition, "20 Years: Three Perspectives on the Evolution of U.S. Strategic Engagement with Central and Eastern Europe."
14 July 2011
Bugajski was interviewed by Albanian Top-Channel TV on Albania's political conflicts.
4 July 2011
Janusz Bugajski's presentation to the U.S. Helsinki Commission was quoted in the Albanian foreign policy magazine Revista MAPO, "Six Albanian irregularities according to Bugajski".
1 July, 2011
Bugajski delivered a keynote address at the OSCE's Annual Security Review Conference in Vienna at the invitation of the OSCE General Secretary, the Lithuanian Chair, and the U.S. Delegation. The subject of his presentation was the future of conflict and crisis in the OSCE region.
1 June, 2011
Bugajski participated in the U.S. Helsinki Commission meeting on Local Elections and Political Instability in Albania.
25 May, 2011
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Voice of America (VOA) Russian service on Kazakhstan's participation in NATO-sponsored ISAF mission in Afghanistan.
13 May, 2011
Bugajski participated in the annual Lenart Meri conference in Tallinn, Estonia and gave a presentation on "NATO After the American Drawdown."
10 May, 2011
Bugajski spoke at an event organized by the Jamestown Foundation at the Carnegie Institute on Kazakhstan after the presidential elections. The title of his presentation was "Kazakhstan: Seeking Stability in an Unstable Neighborhood."
25 March, 2011
Janusz Bugajski was quoted by Southeast European Times in the article "Turkey, Georgia Explore New Strategy"
21 March, 2011
Bugajski gave a presentation at a conference in Tirana, Albania organized by the U.S. embassy and the Albanian Institute of International Affairs to mark the 20th anniversary of U.S.-Albania diplomatic relations. The presentation was entitled “Looking Forward: Formulating the U.S.-Albania Agenda.”
16 March, 2011
Bugajski presented two lectures at the Center for Conflict at the University of Marburg in Germany. The subjects were: “Obama and Europe” and “The Role of New Members in the European Union.”
3 March, 2011
Bugajski was interviewed by Hungarian daily Nepszabadsag in the article "When is Orban Going to be Allowed to Enter the White House?"
2 March, 2011
Janusz Bugajski was quoted in the Christian Science Monitor article "Does Shooting at Frankfurt Airport Follow Pattern of Simpler Attacks?"
16 February, 2011
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Azeri online newspaper News.Az - Much 'Negative Publicity' about Azerbaijan in Washington.
15 December, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was quoted in the article "Belarus - Reliable Partner of the U.S." by the Belarusian Newspaper Telegraf.
25 October, 2010
Bugajski was interviewed by the Polish think-tank Casimir Pulaski Foundation on Russia's strategic goals in the article "Special Interview with Janusz Bugajski".
5 September, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Greek Daily To Vima in the article "The American Century has Actual Choices"
29 July, 2010
Janusz Bugajski gave an interview to the Armenian newspaper with the subject "Ethnic Cleansings Justify Self-Determination"
26 July, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Azeri newspaper Turan regarding the ICJ decision on the legality of Kosova's declaration of independence.
8 July, 2010
Bugajski was interviewed by the the online Azeri newspaper on the Unresolved issues in South Caucasus.
24 May, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Azeri newspaper on "Azerbaijan needs to be closely involved in Turkish-Armenian process".
7 May, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Polish Times daily "Kremlin Shows Different Faces but Interests Remain Unchanged" on Polish-Russian relations.
21 April, 2010
Bugajski gave an interview to the Hungarian daily Nepszabadsag.
15 April, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was quoted in the Eurasia Insight article "Kazakhstan: State Media Creates Distorted Picture of Obama-Nazarbayev Meeting"
16 March, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Lithuanian State Television on the current foreign policy of Russia.
7 March, 2010
Janusz Bugajski's interview on Obama's Agenda for Southeast Europe appeared in the Greek weekly Newspaper To Vima.
23 February, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Azeri online newspaper on the subject of "No Diplomatic Solution to Karabakh on Horizon".
19 February, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewd by the Greek newspaper Athens News in the article "EU Aid Package 'Inevitable'"
10-12 February, 2010
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Radio Free Europe's Serbian and Albanian Service.
2 January, 2010
Bugajski was quoted in the Kosovar newspaper Gazeta Lajm in the article "Towards State Consolidation".
13 December, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the the online Greek newspaper City Press/Free Sunday in the article "Turkey's EU accession is in Greece's interest"
29 October, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Post-Colonial Europe Journal regarding Ukraine's European integration: "Between the "Reset Button" and "Recommit Button": Messages and Challenges to Ukraine's European Future"
21 October, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the BBC Ukrainian Service on Vice President Biden's visit to the Central European region.
16 October, 2009
Bugajski gave a presentation at the European Commission DG External Relations in Brussels on the subject of research of his new book on the long term impact of the Russo-Georgia war.
13 October, 2009
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation at the House of Commons, London, at an event organized by the Henry Jackson Society on the subject of "Missile Defense and Russia's Security Chess".
8 October, 2009
Bugajski delivered a presentation on Russian policy at an Atlantic Council conference in Washington DC entitled “NATO One Year After Georgia”.
18 September, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Foreign Exchange with Daljit Dhaliwal on the crisis in Chechnya.
1 July, 2009
Bugajski gave a presentation at a conference organized by the Heritage Foundation on "The Obama-Medvedev US-Russia Summit."
16 May, 2009
Bugajski delivered a talk on “Regional Geopolitics: Current and Future Security Threats,” at a conference organized in Washington by the Joint Baltic American National Committee.
7 May, 2009
Janusz Bugajski chaired a panel discussion on Moldova after the April elections at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington D.C.
29 April, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Hungarian Radio on the EU Enlargement process.
30 March, 2009
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation on "Russia's Pragmatic Reimperialization" at the annual Lennart Meri conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
27 February, 2009
Bugajski was interviewed by RTVI Russian television on the economic crises in Ukraine and Russia. (RTVI is an independent private Russian-language satellite network aimed at Russian communities all around the world).
21 February, 2009
Janusz Bugajski delivered a paper at a conference at the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw entitled “Putinist Russia’s Pragmatic Reimperialization.”
27 January, 2009
Bugajski gave a presentation at the European University in Tirana, Albania on the foreign policy of the new U.S. administration.
26-27 January, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by several national television stations in Tirana
26 January, 2009
Janusz Bugajski delivered a presentation on “President Obama’s International Agenda” at a conference in Tirana, Albania organized by the Albanian Institute for International Affairs and the U.S. Embassy.
20 January, 2009
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Bosnian Daily Dnevni Avaz on the New U.S. Administration's priorities for the Balkan region and quoted in the article "Balkan nece biti Obamin prioritet"
17 January, 2009
Bugajski was interviewed by Bulgarian weekly Kapital on the Russia-Ukraine gas dispute.
29 October, 2008
Bugajski gave a talk at a conference for ambassadors organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tirana, Albania entitled "Russia's Foreign Implications for Relations Between Russia and the West"
28-29 October, 2008
Bugajski gave interviews to several Albanian TV channels on the future of the Balkans under the next U.S. administration.
September 12-14, 2008
Bugajski made a presentation at an international conference organized by the Hellenic Centre for European Studies in Delphi, Greece, entitled “Kosova’s Statehood: Supervised or Frozen.”
August 12, 2008
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the following news broadcasting networks on the Russia-Georgia conflict.
- Associated Press
- Bloomberg
- Wall Street Journal interviewed
- US News and World Report
- NPR Georgia
- Reuters
- USA Today
- Chicago Tribune
- LA Times
- Knight Ridder
July 14, 2008
Bugajski was interviewed by the Lithuanian weekly Atgimimas on Russian-Lithuanian relations.
July 10, 2008
Bugajski gave a presentation on the Balkans at the 2008 Fullbright Pre-Departure Orientation in Washington D.C.
July 10, 2008
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation on emerging democracies at the National Student Leadership Conference at the American University in Washington D.C.
May 16, 2008
Janusz Bugajski delivered talk at FAMA University in Prishtina, Kosova on “Western Balkan Securities and Insecurities.”
May 16, 2008
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Albanian language media in Tetovo, Macedonia.
May 14, 2008
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Macedonian TV in Skopje on Balkan security.
May 14, 2008
Janusz Bugajski delivered a talk at the State University of Tetovo, Macedonia on “Macedonia’s Political Priorities.”
April 30, 2008
“Central Asia’s Strategic Struggle: National Interests and International Influence”
Janusz Bugajski’s presentation at an international conference in Tashkent entitled Security and Sustainable Development in Central Asia, organized by the Institute for New Democracies, the Foundation of Regional Policy of Uzbekistan, OSCE, USAID, and the Center for Political Studies of Uzbekistan.
March 20, 2008
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Romanian radio about the upcoming CSIS conference "Central European Security: Power, Markets, and International Influence' scheduled for April 1, 2008 in Bucharest.
March 20, 2008
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA Serbian service on the future of Kosova and the upcoming parliamentary elections in Serbia.
March 7, 2008
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Macedonian TV on the Greek-Macedonian name dispute.
March 4, 2008
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA Croatian service on the next round of NATO enlargement.
March 4, 2008
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA Macedonian service on the next round of NATO enlargement.
February 22, 2008
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed live by CTV on the outbreaks of violence in Serbia.
February 21, 2008
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed live by Fox TV on the outbreaks of violence in Serbia.
February 11, 2008
Janusz Bugajski delivered a paper at the European Security Forum, organized by the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels entitled “Kosovo’s Independence: Practicalities, Precedents, and Power Politics.” The working papers from the event can be downloaded from the CEPS website:
January 31, 2008
Janusz Bugajski participated in a panel discussion organized by the World Affairs Council in Washington DC on “Kosovo: A New East-West Crisis.”
January 28-29, 2008
Janusz Bugajski was hosted in Budapest by U.S. Ambassador to Hungary April Foley for the embassy's Strategic Speaker Series. Bugajski also delivered lectures at the Hungarian Institute for International Relations, and the Budapest Foreign Policy Club, conducted a question and answer session with Central European University students and members of the Atlantic Council.
January 29, 2008
"Bugajski: Hungary is Selling Itself Short"
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Hungarian daily Nepszabadsag.
December 23, 2007
Interview with Janusz Bugajski on Kosovo for Albanian newspaper Gazeta Start &LajmID=17751
December 21, 2007
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Albanian TV on the future of Kosovo.
December 18, 2007
Inside Track: Calamity over Kosovo?
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed for an article in the National Interest.
December 16, 2007
CBC Canada TV "Newsworld" interview with Janusz Bugajski on the future of Kosova
December 10, 2007
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Romania on the future of Kosovo.
November 2, 2007
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for CNN international on the future of Kosovo.
November 2, 2007
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA Albanian service on the future of Kosovo.
November 2, 2007
Breaking Point
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Kapital weekly in Sofia, Bulgaria on the future of Kosovo.
October 27, 2007
Janusz Bugajski spoke about EU-Ukrainian relations at a roundtable in Kyiv organized by the German Marshall Fund and the Robert Bosch Foundation.
September 3, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Romanian daily paper Romania Libera on the sale of 75% of Rompetrol's stakes to KazMunaiGaz. The interview was also summarized on the Romanian news portal Ultima Ora.
August 30, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by VOA Montenegrin Service on U.S.-Montenegrin relations.
August 30, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by VOA Albanian Service on the future of Kosovo.
July 27, 2007
Janusz Bugajski gave a talk "The Future of Kosovo" at a roundtable organized by the U.S. Institute of Peace.
June 25, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Romanian daily "Romania Libera" on Black Sea Security issues.
June 25, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Romanian daily "Adevarul" on Black Sea Security issues.
June 8, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Bulgarian National TV, Panorama, on President George W. Bush's visit to Bulgaria.
June 7, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Bloomberg wire service on President George W. Bush's visit to Bulgaria.
June 7, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Reuters on President George W. Bush's visit to Albania.
June 4, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Greek national daily Eleftherotypia on President George W. Bush's visit to Albania.
May 7, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Albanian TV on the visit of the Albanian Foreign Minister to Washington.
April 30, 2007
Janusz Bugajski's interview for a documentary on Kosovo for Al Jazeera English service.
April 30, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Russian service on the future of Kosovo.
April 25, 2007
Experts Say Rejecting Kosovo Plan Likely To Provoke Violence
Janusz Bugajski's comments in an article for the State Department's USINFO service.
April 23, 2007
What Does the Future Hold for Kosovo?
Janusz Bugajski was the guest in a web chat session organized by the U.S. Department of State on the future of Kosova.
April 7, 2007
Janusz Bugajski gave a talk on "Citizens, Society, and Politics in Modern Democracies," at a seminar organized by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies, in Mavrovo, Macedonia.
April 6, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Kosova Television on the UN decision on Kosova's final status.
April 6, 2007
Janusz Bugajski chaired a role-play exercise at the University of Prishtina in Kosova.
March 9, 2007
Janusz Bugajski was interviewed by the Bulgarian National Television Channel
1 on Bulgaria's image in the United States following a negative article published in the Congressional Quarterly, Washington DC.
March 3, 2007
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation at a German Marshall Fund economic forum held in Bratislava, Slovakia on "Reform and Development Prospects in Central-Eastern Europe Three Years After EU Accession."
February 24, 2007
The Impact of New Members on the European Union
A presentation by Janusz Bugajski at an international conference on the future of the EU held in Camden, Maine.
February 17, 2007
The U.S. wants to see a functioning Bosnia-Hercegovina
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Dnevni Avaz, Bosnia-Hercegovina.
February 14, 2007
The Plan for Kosovo's Final Status
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for RTK, Radio Kosova.
February 6, 2007
The Plan for Kosovo's Final Status
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Free Europe, Albanian Service.
February 2, 2007
Ahtisaari's Plan for Kosovo
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA TV, Albanian Service.
January 17, 2007
NATO Enlargement and Membership
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at an international conference on the evolution of NATO, organized by Wilton Park, UK.
December 16, 2006
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for National Public Radio on the recent arrests of Bosnian Serbs with suspected links to the 1995 massacre in Srebrenica.
December 11, 2006
President Putin and the Russian security services
Live interview with Janusz Bugajski for CNN International.
November 18, 2006
Isolation and Marginalization: Russia's Offensive in the Baltic Region
Janusz Bugajski's presentation at a conference in Vilnius, Lithuania entitled "Russia in the Baltic Sea Region: How Many Policies?" The conference was sponsored by the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University and St. Petersburg University, in Russia.
November 17, 2006
Janusz Bugajski launched the Lithuanian edition of his book "Cold Peace: Russia's New Imperialism" at the Revel Hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania. The event was sponsored by the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University.
October 23, 2006
Janusz Bugajski co-chaired a roundtable in Bucharest, Romania with CSIS Adjunct Fellow Dragos Seuleanu on Romania's Black Sea strategy. The event was co-sponsored by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and the Foundation for Democracy, Culture, and Liberty in Romania.
October 17, 2006
Janusz Bugajski chaired a session on Ukraine and NATO at a conference on "Ukraine's Quest for Mautre Nation Statehood" in Washington D.C., sponsored by several organizations, including the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, the U.S. Library of Congress, and the Ukraine-U.S. Business Council.
October 16, 2006
Prospects for Macedonian Euro-Atlantic Integration
Janusz Bugajski interview for VOA TV, Macedonian Service.
October 11, 2006
Kosovo Rises on International Agenda
Janusz Bugajski's comments on Kosovo in an article by Howard LaFranchi, staff writer for The Christian Science Monitor.
October 10, 2006
Prospects for Further EU Enlargement
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA TV, Croatia Service.
September 25, 2006
Kosova's Final Status Negotiations
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation to congressional staff on Capitol Hill on the progress of Kosova's final status settlement.
September 17-19, 2006
Transatlantic Partnership for Ukraine: the Polish Gateway
Janusz Bugajski was a moderator and speaker at a conference in Rzeszow, Poland, entitled "Transatlantic Partnership for Ukraine: the Polish Gateway," organized by the Heritage Foundation, the International Republican Institute, the Center for International Relations (Warsaw), and the United Parcel Service (UPS).
July 31, 2006
The impact of Kosova's independence on the secessionist movements in Moldova and Georgia
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA TV.
July 20, 2006
Kosova Final Status Talks
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Free Europe, Albanian Service.
July 13, 2006
U.S. Policy Toward Russia
Janusz Bugajski's presentation at an AEI conference "Global Leadership? Assessing U.S. Foreign Policy in the Run-Up to the G-8 Summit."
June 20-21, 2006
Transformation in Regional Security: The Political Dimension
Janusz Bugajski's presentation at the conference "Transformations in Regional Security Policy and Defense Technologies in the XXI century" organized by General Dynamics in Sofia, Bulgaria.
June 5-6, 2006
Ethnicity and Nationalism in Divided Societies: Conflict or Accommodation
Janusz Bugajski presented a paper on "Resolving Ethnic Conflicts: Successes and Failures in European Union Policy," at a conference at Tel Aviv University, Israel.
June 2, 2006
Untimely Thoughts' Weekly Russia Experts' Panel: The Montenegrin Precedent - By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts," written for Russia Profile and UPI.
May 23, 2006
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Pravda, Slovakia on the lifting of US visa requirements for Polish citizens.
May 22, 2006
Montenegrins Vote for Independence
Live interview with Janusz Bugajski for CNN International.
May 13, 2006
Russia's Foreign Policy
Interview with Janusz Bugajski in Kapital weekly in Sofia, Bulgaria on Russian foreign policy.
May 13, 2006
Bulgaria's EU membership
Interview with Janusz Bugajski on Bulgarian TV Channel 1 on the future of Bulgaria's EU membership.
May 12, 2006
Cold Peace: Russia's New Imperialism
Book launch in Sofia of the Bulgarian translation of Janusz Bugajski's book Cold Peace. The book was published jointly by Kapital, Razum, and the Bulgarian School of Politics.
May 12, 2006
Challenges to Democracy in Central-Eastern Europe
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at a conference in Sofia University.
May 2, 2006
The Future of the Western Balkans
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation at George Washington University (GWU).
April 25, 2006
Allies, Vanguards, and Subversives: Central-Europe and the U.S.-Russia Link
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation at a conference organized by the University of Washington (Seatle).
April 22, 2006
Russia Rules Fuel in Much of Europe
Janusz Bugajski quoted in an article published in the Washington Times.
April 22, 2006
EU More Dependent on Russian Gas
Janusz Bugajski quoted in an article published in UPI press.
April 12, 2006
Upcoming referendum in Montenegro
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for the Montenegrin daily Republika.
April 7, 2006
America's New Allies
Interview with Ilona Teleki for VOA TV, Eurasia Service.
April 4, 2006
Janusz Bugajski co-chaired a roundtable in Bucharest with Romanian and Moldovan officials and NGO activists on the implications of Kosova's final status for Moldovan-Transnistrian relations. The event was organized by the Foundation for Democracy, Culture, and Liberty in Bucharest. More information on the presentation appeared in the major Romanian daily "Ziua" on April 5, 2006.
April 3, 2006
Energy Policies And Strategies: Russia's Threat To Europe's Energy Security
Janusz Bugajski gave a presentation at a major international conference in Bucharest, Romania on energy security in the Black Sea region. The conference was attended by senior government ministers from the Black Sea littoral states.
March 25, 2006
Elections in Belarus and Ukraine
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for bTV Bulgaria.
March 24, 2006
Untimely Thoughts' Weekly Russia Experts' Panel: Is there a post-Soviet teleology?- By Peter Lavelle and Scott Spires
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts," written for Russia Profile and UPI
March 19, 2006
Presidential Elections in Belarus
Live interview with Janusz Bugajski for CNN International.
March 16, 2006
Milosevic's connections with Russia
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Blic Daily in Belgrade, Serbia.
March 3, 2006
Untimely Thoughts' Weekly Russia Experts' Panel: How can Russia best cope with post-imperial hangover? By Peter Lavelle and Scott Spires
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts," written for Russia Profile and UPI
February 19, 2006
Montenegro in the 21st century (pdf)
Janusz Bugajski delivered the keynote address at the Crans Montana Forum in Sveti Stefan, Montenegro. Other panelists included Prime Ministers of Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia, Foreign Minister of Croatia, former President of Slovenia, and Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia.
February 13, 2006
The Polish Transition: Lessons for Cuba (pdf)
Janusz Bugajski spoke at a conference organized by the Cuba Transition Project at Miami University on the subject of "Catalysts in Poland's Democratic Revolution."
February 2-3, 2006
The Frontiers of Europe (pdf)
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at a conference at the Royal Palace in Warsaw on "The Frontiers of Europe" organized by the Club of Three and Axel Springer, Poland.
January 18, 2006
The Future of Kosova
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Der Speigel.
January 6, 2006
Russia Profile’s Weekly Experts’ Panel: Gazprom’s gambit or blunder? By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for Russia Profile and UPI
January 6, 2006
Russia's Neo-imperialist Energy Strategy
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Hungary.
December 30, 2005
Montenegro's Independence Referendum
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Free Europe on the upcoming referendum in Montenegro on statehood.
December 9, 2005
Russia Profile’s Weekly Experts’ Panel: Defining Russian Liberalism, By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for Russia Profile and UPI
December 9, 2005
CNN International
Live interview with Janusz Bugajski for CNN International on the existence of terrorist cells in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
December 8, 2005
Future Status of Kosovo
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for BBC Radio.
November 28, 2005
Recent Developments in Belarus
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 6, 2005
America's New Allies in Central and East Europe
Briefing by Ilona Teleki for Norwegian parliamentarians at CSIS.
December 2, 2005
End Game for the West Balkans Presentation by Ilona Teleki at the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA)
November 11, 2005
Russia Profile’s Weekly Experts’ Panel: Dealing with Stalin, By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for Russia Profile and UPI
November 3, 2005
The existence of CIA camps in Eastern Europe
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Romania
November 1, 2005
The Future of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for VOA TV Bosnian Service
October 13, 2005
Kosova's Future: Transatlantic Policy Toward the Balkans
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at the American Entrerprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, DC.
October 10, 2005
America and Europe: Realities and Expectations
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at a conference on Transatlantic Relations organized by the Foundation for Democracy, Culture, and Liberty in Bucharest, Romania.
October 7, 2005
RP’s Weekly Experts’ Panel: Deconstructing “Russophobia” and “Russocentric,” By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for Russia Profile and UPI.
September 27, 2005
U.S. military basing in Bulgaria and Romania
Interview with Milena Staneva for National Public Radio (NPR).
September 26, 2005
Polish election results
Live interview with Janusz Bugajski for Polish TV Channel One.
September 23, 2005
RP’s Weekly Russia Experts’ Panel: Defining the “Post-Soviet Space”, By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for Russia Profile and UPI.
September 23, 2005
Role Of New Members In EU Foreign Policy
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at a conference in Prague, Czech Republic organized by Europeum and sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Shtiftung, American Information Center, German Marshall Fund of the US, and the British Council.
September 23, 2005
Polish General Elections
Live interveiw in Prague with Janusz Bugajski for Czech TV channel One on the Polish general elections.
September 22, 2005
Within the EU there is potential for a new type of Atlanticism
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for on the Czech role in Transatlantic relations.
September 20, 2005
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Montenegrin TV on the future of Montenegro.
September 19, 2005
The future of Vojvodina
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Gradjanski list, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia-Montenegro.
September 15, 2005
Final Status for Kosova
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Radio Free Europe - Albanian service.
September 12, 2005
The EU's New Eastern Borders
Presentation by Janusz Bugajski at a Woodrow Wilson Center Conference in Washington, D.C.
September 10, 2005
EU policy toward Serbia and Montenegro
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for the Montenegrin daily "Republika".
August 27, 2005
The policies of the new Bulgarian government
An interview with Janusz Bugajski for TRUD Daily, Bulgaria.
August 5, 2005
RP’s Weekly Experts’ Panel: Russia and Belarus – the loveless embrace, By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for UPI and for
July 22, 2005
RP's Weekly Experts Panel: the Specter of “Staglution” in the Former Soviet Union, By Peter Lavelle
Janusz Bugajski's comments for "Untimely Thoughts", written for Russia Profile and UPI.
May 23, 2005
Slovak Radio
Interview with Janusz Bugajski on Central Europe's involvement in Belarus.
May 12, 2005
Hungarian National Radio
Interview with Janusz Bugajski on US-Russia relations.
May 10, 2005
The future status of Kosova
Interview with Janusz Bugajski for Novosti daily in Belgrade, Serbia.