Toward a U.S.-Japan Technology Alliance: Competition and Innovation in New Domains

Toward a U.S.-Japan Technology Alliance

As economic strategy and national security become increasingly intertwined, Japan and the United States are aligned on the importance of protecting critical and emerging technologies to manage strategic competition with China. As the technology policy debate advances rapidly in both countries, there is great potential for bilateral cooperation to enhance competitiveness and coordinate approaches with other regional allies and partners. This edited volume is an anthology of nine essays from Japanese and U.S. scholars examining the technology policy landscape with an eye toward developing recommendations for bilateral cooperation in the years ahead. Topics include U.S. and Japanese technology strategy, economic security, and rulemaking for the digital economy. The conclusion synthesizes the authors’ recommendations and outlines an agenda for a U.S.-Japan technology alliance to manage competition in new domains and underwrite norms for economic security in the digital economy.

This volume presents the results of two research projects conducted by the CSIS Japan Chair in 2021–2022, funded in part with grants from the government of Japan.

Nicholas Szechenyi
Vice President, Geopolitics and Foreign Policy Department and Senior Fellow, Japan Chair