The Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics provides unmatched thought leadership for the Washington policy community by examining China’s economy and the costs and benefits of its commercial relationship with the United States and the rest of the world.

We go beyond the headlines to examine Chinese sectoral trends and industrial policy, the behavior of its companies and financial institutions, trade and supply chains, and the political economy of CleanTech and climate governance. With our rigorous empirical and data-driven research, we put forward proposals for how the United States and others can adopt smart policies that account for economic tradeoffs in an era defined by both deep interdependence and strategic competition.

Our analysis is shared with the policy community, business leaders, scholars, and the public through reports and commentaries, interactive digital content, and events. We generate new conversations among these stakeholders by convening discussions on the factors influencing their decisions. 

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Scott Kennedy

Scott Kennedy

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Media Queries


Photo: Scott Kennedy/CSIS

Photo: Scott Kennedy/CSIS

Diversifying, Not Decoupling

The CSIS Trustee Chair’s second formal survey of over 600 Taiwanese companies reveals they remain worried about the international environment and conditions in China, but are engaged in diversifying rather than fully decoupling their business from China.

Listen to Audio Brief

Report by Scott Kennedy and Andrea Leonard Palazzi — September 9, 2024

Featured Analysis

Photo: STR/AFP/Getty Images

Photo: STR/AFP/Getty Images

Wins and Losses: Chinese Industrial Policy’s Uneven Success

Ilaria Mazzocco and Ryan Featherston explain the development of industrial policy in China and summarize academic research that clarifies where industrial policy succeeded and where it failed. The report considers the implications for the United States and others.

Commentary by Ilaria Mazzocco and Ryan Featherston — November 19, 2024


Scott Kennedy
Senior Adviser and Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Daniel H. Rosen
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Claire Reade
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
John L. Holden
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Deborah Seligsohn
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Logan Wright
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Jeanette Chu
Senior Associate (Non-resident), Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics