Global Markets

The CSIS Chair on India and Emerging Asia Economics and the Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics provide in-depth analysis on the domestic markets of foreign nations such as India and China and their global implications. 

Photo: ryanking999/Adobe Stock

Photo: ryanking999/Adobe Stock

What RISC-V Means for the Future of Chip Development

Some policymakers worry that Chinese firms will use RISC-V architecture to bypass U.S. export controls. What is RISC-V, why is it a source of contention, and what can the United States do about it? 

Critical Questions by Sujai Shivakumar and Julie Heng — November 13, 2024

Past Events


Erin L. Murphy
Deputy Director, Chair on India and Emerging Asia Economics and Senior Fellow, Emerging Asia Economics
Scott Kennedy
Senior Adviser and Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics