Chubb Insurance CEO Evan Greenberg on Global Economic Recovery
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This week’s guest is Evan Greenberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chubb Limited and Chubb Group. Evan is a CSIS Trustee, Chairman Emeritus of the U.S.-China Business Council, and serves by presidential appointment to the Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations. In a wide-ranging conversation, Evan describes the post-COVID state of the world economy and the near-term challenges faced by national governments. Evan also outlines how leaders in business and government can work together to accelerate growth and overcome the tendency to turn inward instead of cooperating with trading partners.
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Reading Notes:
Chubb CEO on insuring in a pandemic: ‘It’s unlike any other catastrophe’
In an interview with CNBC, Greenberg discusses the importance of cooperation between public and private entities in the midst of a pandemic, the need for payouts, and the unprecedented nature of this crisis.
Chubb is “leaning into” reinsurance firming: CEO Greenberg
“Chubb [is] upsizing on their reinsurance underwriting portfolios to capitalise on improved and more risk-adequate rates.”