New Perspectives in Foreign Policy Issue 13, Summer 2017
A journal written by and for the enrichment of young professionals.
In this issue:
- The East Is Green: China’s Global Leadership in Renewable Energy
- China’s Youth Social Credit System May Undermine CCP Legitimacy
- Vietnam and the Consequences of Technological Innovation for Developing Countries
- Who Is Responsible for Hong Kong’s Invisible Migrant Workers?
- Covert Bots: The Cyber-Nuisances Threatening Our Newsfeeds and Our Democracy
- Fighting Fire with Foreign Assistance
- Chinese Domestic Law in the South China Sea
- From Garbage to Green Space: The Rise of Beirut Madinati
- Can the International Criminal Court Help Protect Cultural Heritage?
- Book Review: The End of the Asian Century
About New Perspectives
New Perspectives in Foreign Policy is published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) to provide a forum for young professionals to debate issues of importance in foreign policy. Though New Perspectives seeks to bring new voices into the dialogue, it does not endorse specific opinions or policy prescriptions. As such, the views expressed herein are solely those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board, CSIS, or the CSIS Board of Trustees.