The CSIS Japan Chair, the CSIS Simon Chair, and JETRO cordially invite you to join us for the annual CSIS-JETRO conference.
8:00-8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:35 Welcoming Remarks
John J. Hamre, President and CEO, CSIS
8:35-9:00 Opening Remarks
Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (D-FL)
Member, Subcommittee on Trade, House Ways and Means Committee
9:00-9:30Marc Knapper, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Japan and Korea
9:30-10:00 Keynote Address
Nobuhiko Sasaki, Chairman and CEO, Japan External Trade Organization
10:00-11:15 Regional Perspectives on Indo-Pacific Economic Integration
China: Xinquan Tu, Dean and Professor, Center for WTO Studies,
University of International Business & Economics, Beijing
Japan: Yasuyuki Todo, Professor, Graduate School of Economics,
Waseda University
ASEAN: Deborah Elms, Founder and Executive Director,
Asian Trade Centre, Singapore
Moderator: Matthew P. Goodman, Senior Vice President;
Simon Chair in Political Economy and
Senior Adviser for Asian Economics, CSIS
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 Status and Impact of U.S. Trade Policy
Charles Freeman, Senior Vice President for Asia, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Lorraine Hawley, Senior Director, International Government Relations,
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Aaron Cooper, Vice President, Global Policy, BSA | The Software Alliance
Moderator: Michael J. Green, Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair,
CSIS; Director of Asian Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School
of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
12:30 Adjourn
This event is made possible by support from JETRO.