Doing Business at the Crossroads: Ten Years
Morning Keynote Addresses:
Simeon Djankov
Former Finance Minister of Bulgaria and Founder of Doing Business
Juan Jose Daboub
Former Finance Minister of El Salvador and Managing Director of the World Bank
Panel Discussion:
Doing Business in a Policy-Making Environment
Andrew Natsios
Former Administrator, USAID
Executive Professor, George H.W. Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University
Randy Quarles
Former Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, Department of the Treasury
Managing Director, The Carlyle Group
Paul O'Brien
Vice President for Policy and Campaigns, Oxfam America
Moderated by Johanna Nesseth
Senior Vice President for Strategic Planning, and
Co-Director for the Project on U.S. Leadership in Development, CSIS
Panel Discussion:
Doing Business Methodology: Impacts and Criticisms
Michael Klein
Former Vice President, International Finance Corporation
Professor, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Erik Berglöf
Chief Economist and Special Adviser to the President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Simon Johnson
Former Economic Counsellor, International Monetary Fund
Ronald A. Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship, MIT Sloan School of Management
Moderated by Daniel F. Runde
William A. Schreyer Chair in Global Analysis, and
Director, Project on Prosperity and Development, CSIS
Congressional Perspective:
Thomas Sheehy
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Afternoon Keynote Address:
Marisa Lago
U.S. Department of the Treasury's Assistant Secretary for International Markets and Development
Friday, April 19, 2013, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
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Please join us for a conference to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Doing Business Initiative at the World Bank. The Doing Business Initiative was launched in 2002 to measure regulations applied to domestic small and medium-size enterprises throughout the world.It encourages a culture of competition among countries to implement more efficient regulation and suggests quantifiable standards for reform.
"Doing Business" is at a critical moment at the Bank this year, with a review panel slated to assess the results of the initiative. The ranking system and methodology will come under scrutiny as a useful tool to measure a country’s overall business environment. The initiative has been integral to sparking reform efforts in countries where "ease of doing business" continues to suffer.
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