
The Trustee Chair tracks developments in Taiwan’s economy, cross-strait economic ties, and U.S.-Taiwan commercial relations.

The Trustee Chair tracks developments in Taiwan’s economy, cross-strait economic ties, and U.S.-Taiwan commercial relations. A key tool in our analysis has been a formal survey of Taiwan’s business community and their evaluation of the island’s economic circumstances, cross-strait relations and geostrategic challenges. 

This project is made possible by generous support to CSIS.

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Photo: Scott Kennedy/CSIS

Photo: Scott Kennedy/CSIS

Diversifying, Not Decoupling

The CSIS Trustee Chair’s second formal survey of over 600 Taiwanese companies reveals they remain worried about the international environment and conditions in China, but are engaged in diversifying rather than fully decoupling their business from China.

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Report by Scott Kennedy and Andrea Leonard Palazzi — September 9, 2024