
The Trustee Track tracks developments in Taiwan’s economy, cross-strait economic ties, and U.S.-Taiwan commercial relations.

The Trustee Track tracks developments in Taiwan’s economy, cross-strait economic ties, and U.S.-Taiwan commercial relations. A key tool in our analysis has been a formal survey of Taiwan’s business community and their evaluation of the island’s economic circumstances, cross-strait relations and geostrategic challenges. 

This project is made possible by generous support to CSIS.

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Photo: SAM YEH/AFP via Getty Images

Photo: SAM YEH/AFP via Getty Images

It's Moving Time: Taiwanese Business Responds to Growing U.S.-China Tensions

The CSIS Trustee Chair surveyed 500+ Taiwanese companies and discovered that they are highly concerned about potential overdependence on the Chinese economy and the possibility of military conflict. Many are moving their operations and sourcing away from Mainland China.

Report by Scott Kennedy — October 4, 2022