Arms control and the nonproliferation regime are being challenged on multiple fronts. U.S.-Russia bilateral cooperation on arms control stalled under the cloud of INF violations by Russia and withdrawal by the United States. Prospects for even simple extension of the New START Treaty appear grim. If New START expires in 2021 without extension or replacement the United States may find itself for the first time in over fifty years without any formal, treaty-based limits on strategic nuclear weapons capabilities. This uncertainty combined with nuclear modernization programs in U.S., Russia and China raise important questions about the future strategic stability, force modernization and arms control.
Please join PONI on April 3, 2019 for a half-day conference from 1-6pm to explore the future of arms control. The conference will be followed by a reception. Additional speakers and specific times will be announced shortly.
1:00 PM Conference Welcome
Rebecca Hersman
Director, Project on Nuclear Issues and Senior Adviser, International Security Program, CSIS
1:15 PM Keynote
Senator Deb Fischer
2:00 PM Break
2:15PM Panel 1: Arms Control and Strategic Stability in Europe and Asia
Rebecca Lissner
Assistant Professor, Strategic and Operational Research Department, U.S. Naval War College
Ulrich Kuehn
Deputy Head, Arms Control and Emerging Technologies, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg
Rebecca Davis Gibbons
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Managing the Atom, Belfer Center
John Warden
Strategy, Forces and Resources Division, Institute for Defense Analyses
Rachel Ellehuus, Deputy Director & Senior Fellow, Europe Program, CSIS
3:45 PM Break
4:00 PM Panel 2: Force Posture Implications of a Post-Arms Control World
Alex Bell
Senior Policy Director, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Vince Manzo
Research Scientist, Center for Naval Analyses
Frank Rose
Senior Fellow for Security and Strategy, Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution
Oriana Mastro
Assistant Professor of Security Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Rebecca Hersman
Director, Project on Nuclear Issues and Senior Adviser, International Security Program. CSIS
5:30 PM Public Reception
This event is made possible by support from Northrop Grumman Corporation.