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Losing Hearts and Minds: American-Iranian Relations and International Education during the Cold War

April 30, 2018 • 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT

A conversation with the author, Dr. Matthew Shannon

The history of U.S.-Iranian relations is dominated by the 1979 Iranian revolution and the ensuing hostage crisis at the America embassy in Tehran. However, there is more to the relationship than a single flash-point. In his new book, Losing Hearts and Minds: American-Iranian Relations and International Education during the Cold War, Dr. Matthew Shannon tells the story of thousands of Iranian students sent to study at American universities during the Cold War and how, in a twist of irony, a program designed to bolster the Shah’s government and its relationship with the United States provided a space for youthful dissidents to organize against the Pahlavi regime. Join us as we welcome Dr. Shannon to discuss his book, the students who presaged the Iranian revolution, and what they can teach us about U.S.-Iranian relations in the Cold War and beyond.

This event was made possible by generous support for the Project on Military and Diplomatic History.