Mark Donaldson

Video Lead and Senior Multimedia Producer, iDeas Lab
Mark Donaldson

Mark Donaldson is a video lead and senior multimedia producer in the iDeas Lab at CSIS, where he specializes in using visual storytelling to highlight the work of the Center's experts. He works on the Center's regular video series and a variety of other multimedia projects. He also serves as one of the mentors for CSIS’s Journalism Bootcamp. Previously, he worked as a producer for Efecto Naím on NTN24, and was a Scoville Peace Fellow at the Union of Concerned Scientists. He holds a B.A. in political science from Amherst College.

Featured Work

Photo: (ADAMS Diagram) U.S. Marine Corps; (Crates) Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0); (M864 Diagram) U.S. Marine Corps

Photo: (ADAMS Diagram) U.S. Marine Corps; (Crates) Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0); (M864 Diagram) U.S. Marine Corps

Empty Bins in a Wartime Environment: The Challenge to the U.S. Defense Industrial Base

The U.S. defense industrial base is not prepared for the international security environment that now exists, including to deal with China. The United States should take several steps now to strengthen the industrial base to improve deterrence and warfighting.

Report by Seth G. Jones — January 23, 2023

Photo: China Photos/Getty Images

Photo: China Photos/Getty Images

Winning the Tech Talent Competition

Data show that China is quickly catching up to the United States due to intense investments in education and other high-tech talent initiatives. Without STEM immigration reforms, U.S. technology leadership will continue eroding.

Report by Remco Zwetsloot — October 28, 2021

The Asia Chessboard

The Asia Chessboard

The “Asia Chessboard” features in-depth conversations with the most prominent strategic thinkers on Asia. Co-hosts Jude Blanchette, Freeman Chair in China Studies at CSIS, and Michael Green, Henry A. Kissinger Chair at CSIS and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, take the debate beyond the headlines of the day to explore the historical context and inside decision-making process on major geopolitical developments from the Himalayas to the South China Sea. Experience the hard calls and consequential debates that drive US policy towards this critical region of the world.

The Asia Chessboard is produced by Mark Donaldson.

Podcast Series by Michael J. Green and Jude Blanchette