Rafael Romeu
Rafael B. Romeu has worked for over 20 years as a financial economist and is the president and CEO of DevTech Systems, Inc. Under his leadership, DevTech expanded its reach to over 100 countries and broadened its client base to include the private and philanthropic sectors, U.S. subnational governments, and foreign governments. His technical work includes engagements with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and addressing the 2016 Puerto Rico default. Before DevTech, Dr. Romeu was an economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), contributing to high-profile cases like that of Spain during the European financial crisis and others including Venezuela, Jamaica, and Armenia. His expertise focuses on developing fiscal policies, sustainability of debt, and modeling sovereign commodity revenue funds. He also co-led the IMF's Public Finances in Modern History project. Previously, Dr. Romeu held roles at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Central Bank of Venezuela. He has taught financial theory at Yale University and machine learning at American University. He has published research on fiscal policy sustainability, economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean, and financial market microstructure.