China Balance Sheet

The China Balance Sheet is a joint project between CSIS and the Peterson Institute for International Economics that analyzes the dynamics underpinning China’s domestic transformation and emergence as an international power.

The direction that China and U.S.-China relations take will define the world’s future. For the United States, a rising China increasingly affects American prosperity and security, calling for some clear-eyed thinking and tough economic, political, and foreign policy choices. As the twenty-first century unfurls, the stakes have never been higher for getting U.S. policy toward China right.

To address this complex and sometimes contradictory issue, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Peterson Institute for International Economics have launched a joint multiyear project that brings together leading specialists to examine the key questions, uncover the pertinent facts, and analyze the dynamics underpinning China’s domestic transformation and emergence as an international power—as well as its implications for the United States and the global community. The project is chaired by C. Fred Bergsten, director of the Peterson Institute, and John J. Hamre, president and CEO of CSIS.

China’s Rise: Challenges and Opportunities is the latest publication of this project and is now available.

In China’s Rise, the authors examine the critical facts and dynamics underpinning China’s rise and suggest strategies and policies to maximize the opportunities for China’s constructive integration into the international community. Topics covered in China’s Rise include the country’s internal policy debates; China’s military modernization; increasing Chinese global influence and China’s relations with major powers, neighbors, and the developing world; American and Chinese strategic interests in Taiwan; China’s domestic political development; Beijing’s political relations with China’s provincial and municipal authorities; corruption and social unrest in China; rebalancing the country’s economic growth; the exchange rate controversy; energy and the environment; industrial policy; trade disputes; and investment issues.

This authoritative, comprehensive, and timely book is an indispensable resource for anyone who seeks a comprehensive understanding of developments in this critical nation. The primary authors of China’s Rise are Dr. Bergsten, Charles Freeman, Nicholas R. Lardy, and Derek Mitchell. Additionally, CSIS and the Peterson Institute have drawn on the extensive experience of an expert advisory committee representing a diverse range of perspectives on China.