Building Global Health Capacity Through Polio Eradication
In this series of seven longform analyses, the CSIS Global Health Policy Center examined public health interventions for which the U.S. government provided significant backing, either financially or through technical support. Each section examines an individual asset, explaining what it is, how it is contributing to polio eradication and to addressing other health issues, and what some of the challenges are to their continuation. Overall, the site highlights the formidable leadership and support CDC and USAID have offered toward eradication. It also illustrates how polio assets already are aiding countries in preventing, detecting, and responding to disease outbreaks and what would be needed for them to be sustained into the future.

Polio Emergency Operations Centers
Report by Nellie Bristol and Isra Hussain — July 9, 2018

Social Mobilization for Polio Eradication
Report by Nellie Bristol and Isra Hussain — July 9, 2018

'STOPping' Poliovirus with Dedicated Volunteers
Report by Nellie Bristol and Isra Hussain — July 9, 2018

The Future of Polio Surveillance
Report by Nellie Bristol and Michaela Simoneau — May 6, 2019

Polio Labs
Report by Nellie Bristol and Michaela Simoneau — June 26, 2019

Orchestrating Global Polio Eradication
Report by Nellie Bristol and Michaela Simoneau — September 26, 2019

Innovation for Eradication
Report by Nellie Bristol and Michaela Simoneau — July 2, 2020