From the Ground Up: Demining Farmland and Improving Access to Fertilizer to Restore Ukraine’s Agricultural Production Report Launch
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Rebuilding Ukraine’s agriculture sector is critical for Ukraine’s economic recovery, for global food security, and to counter the influence Russia attempts to wield through its agricultural exports. But Ukraine’s agricultural needs are vast, with the sector estimated to have incurred at least $40.2 billion in losses and damages since February 2022. In the forthcoming report “From the Ground Up,” the CSIS Global Food and Water Security Program focuses on two aspects of Ukraine’s agricultural recovery: demining farmland and restoring farmers’ access to fertilizer. Due to Russia’s war, Ukraine is now the most mined country in the world. Landmines are located across much of Ukraine’s agricultural land, reducing Ukraine’s agricultural productivity. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, disruption in global fertilizer markets and attacks on Ukraine’s fertilizer production facilities have diminished farmers’ access to fertilizer, decreasing productivity today and threatening future harvests nation-wide.
What is the current state of landmine contamination on Ukrainian farmlands? How are the unique features of agricultural soil being considered in mine clearance operations? What are the major challenges to Ukrainian farmers’ access to fertilizers during Russia’s war, and how could this impact Ukraine’s future agricultural production? What policies can Ukraine and its international partners pursue to jointly address these threats to its agricultural soils?
Please join the CSIS Global Food and Water Security Program on December 13 at 9:00am ET for the launch of our new white paper, From the Ground Up: Demining Farmland and Improving Access to Fertilizer to Restore Ukraine’s Agricultural Production, by director Caitlin Welsh, research associate Emma Dodd, senior associate Vitalii Dankevych, senior adviser Joseph Glauber, and Ukrainian agricultural economist Antonina Broyaka. We look forward to welcoming Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Markiyan Dmytrasevych as a featured speaker, and HALO Trust Head of Operations for Mykolaiv and Kherson Jasmine Dann, former Mosaic Company Senior Vice President of Marketing and Distribution Richard McLellan, and Cargill's Regional Lead for the Danube and Ukraine Vasile Varvaroi for an in-depth discussion on the role of Ukraine’s agricultural soils in supporting reconstruction and transformation throughout its agriculture sector.
This event is made possible by the generous support of its cosponsors, Cargill and the Mosaic Company.
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Contact Information
- Emma Dodd
- Research Associate, Global Food and Water Security Program