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Thirteenth Annual South China Sea Conference

June 28, 2023 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm EDT

The CSIS Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative are pleased to present the Thirteenth Annual South China Sea Conference on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 9:00 am-4:00 pm ET. This full-day conference will provide opportunities for in-depth discussion and analysis of developments in the South China Sea over the past year and potential paths forward. Panels will address the state of play in the South China Sea, legal developments and dispute management, evolving alliance networks, and the role of outside parties, such as the Quad, AUKUS, and Europe.

This event is made possible by support from the FESS Foundation, the Embassy of Australia, the Embassy of New Zealand, and the Embassy of the Philippines. 

Event Agenda

Check In and Coffee

8:30 am

Welcome and Morning Keynote

9:00 am

Rep. Jennifer Kiggans (R-VA), House Armed Services Committee 


Moderated by Gregory Poling, Senior Fellow and Director, Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS

Panel 1: State of Play in the South China Sea

9:45 am
  • Harrison Prétat, Associate Fellow, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS 


  • Bonnie Glaser, Managing Director, Indo-Pacific Program, the German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Natalie Sambhi, Founder and Executive Director, Verve Research 


Moderated by Lily McElwee, Fellow, Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS

Panel 2: Legal Developments and Dispute Management

10:55 am
  • Isaac Kardon, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment  


  • Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Director General of the East Sea Institute, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam 


  • Robert Harris, Assistant Legal Adviser for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, United States Department of State 


Moderated by Gregory Poling, Director and Senior Fellow, Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, CSIS



Lunch and Keynote Speech

12:15 pm

Daniel Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific, United States Department of State


Moderated by Christopher Johnstone, Senior Fellow and Japan Chair, CSIS 

Panel 3: Evolving Alliance Networks

1:25 pm
  • Maria Thaemar Tana, Assistant Professor, University of the Philippines-Diliman 
  • Tetsuo Kotani, Senior Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs 


  • James Carouso, Senior Adviser and Chairman of the Advisory Council to the Australia Chair, CSIS 


Moderated by Charles Edel, Australia Chair, CSIS 

Panel 4: The Role of Outside Parties

2:35 pm
  • Veerle Nouwens, Shangri-La Dialogue Senior Fellow for Indo-Pacific Defence and Strategy, International Institute for Strategic Studies 


  • Cmde. Lalit Kapur, Senior Fellow for Maritime Strategy, Delhi Policy Group 


  • Jonathan Berkshire-Miller, Director and Senior Fellow of Foreign Affairs, National Security, and Defence Program, Macdonald-Laurier Institute


  • Moderated by Jude Blanchette, Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS 

Closing Remarks and End

3:35 pm
Gregory B. Poling
Director and Senior Fellow, Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative
Jude Blanchette

Jude Blanchette

Former Freeman Chair in China Studies
James Carouso
Senior Adviser and Chairman of the Advisory Council to the Australia Chair (Non-resident), Australia Chair
Harrison Prétat
Deputy Director and Fellow, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative
Lily McElwee
Deputy Director and Fellow, Freeman Chair in China Studies