John Simon is a founding partner at Total Impact Capital. Previously, Ambassador Simon was a visiting fellow at the Center for Global Development, where he coauthored More than Money, a report on impact investing as a development tool. Previously, he held a variety of posts in the U.S. government, including serving most recently as the ambassador to the African Union and the executive vice president of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). At OPIC, Ambassador Simon championed the agency’s involvement in the social impact investment marketplace, spearheading efforts to finance housing in Africa, small and medium businesses in Liberia, and a largescale renewable power plant in Liberia. Ambassador Simon led the agency’s effort to develop a series of social development funds for Africa, which resulted in the creation of four private equity funds focused on achieving extraordinary social results as well as strong financial performance.
Ambassador Simon also served as special assistant to the president and was the first senior director for relief, stabilization, and development for the National Security Council (NSC). During his tenure at the NSC, Ambassador Simon oversaw the implementation of groundbreaking development initiatives, including the Millennium Challenge Account, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative, and the President’s Malaria Initiative. He was also responsible for the U.S. government response to international humanitarian disasters, such as the 2005 South Asia Earthquake. From 2002 to 2003, Ambassador Simon was deputy assistant administrator at the United States Agency for International Development, overseeing the agency’s development information and evaluation units. Ambassador Simon received his bachelor’s degree from Princeton University and a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University.
All John Simon Content
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Financing Ukraine’s Critical Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Report by John Simon, Janina Staguhn , and Sarosh Sultan — August 23, 2023
Creating a Consumer-Centric Digital Finance Ecosystem
Event — June 27, 2023
How Innovative Financing Models Can Support the Scaling of Supply Chain Innovations
Report by John Simon and Allie Dichiara — October 18, 2022
Fiat Digital Currency, Information, and Power
Commentary by John Simon and Onno Schellekens — August 24, 2021
Enabling a Functional, Reliable, and Secure Digital ID
Podcast Episode by John Simon — May 26, 2021
Financing Small Business Is Critical for a Strong Post-Covid Recovery
Brief by John Simon, Agnes Dasewicz, and Sundar R. Ramanujam — September 24, 2020
Report Launch: Innovations in Guarantees for Development
Event — October 18, 2019