Redesigning Food Systems as a Solution to Climate Change with Zitouni Ould-Dada

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Zitouni Ould-Dada, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Deputy Director in the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, sits down with GFSP Director Caitlin Welsh to discuss the potential of agri-food systems to offer solutions to the climate change and biodiversity crises. Mr. Ould-Dada explains the FAO’s new Strategy on Climate Change 2022-2031 and offers insights on its implementation, parameters for success, and role in upcoming COP27 discussions. Ms. Welsh and Mr. Ould-Dada wrap up the episode by offering simple steps listeners can take to help make food systems part of the solution to climate change and food waste. 
Caitlin Welsh
Director, Global Food and Water Security Program