Defending Democratic Institutions

Countering Adversary Attacks on Fundamental Institutions of Democracy

The Defending Democratic Institutions (DDI) project was established to better understand, and develop recommendations to counter foreign efforts to disrupt democracy and exacerbate public distrust of democratic institutions via cyber and information operations. A key focus of this initiative is on information operations undermining Americans’ trust in the justice system, to include judges, prosecutors, and the rule of law. In addition, this initiative focuses on building national resilience through the reinvigoration of civics education, at all ages, as a national security imperative.

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Suzanne Spaulding

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Photo: da-kuk/Getty Images

Photo: da-kuk/Getty Images

NATO and Cyber: Outrunning the Bear

In the future, NATO will need an institutional platform for operational collaboration in cyber among member states and the private sector.

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Commentary by Suzanne Spaulding and Mark Montgomery — July 8, 2024

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