Egypt and the Levant

The Middle East Program; International Security Program; Energy Security and Climate Change Program; Warfare, Irregular Threats, and Terrorism Program; and Burke Chair in Strategy analyze shifting dynamics and their implications for U.S. policy in Syria, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, and Lebanon.

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Seizing Middle East Opportunities

An audio version of “Seizing Middle East Opportunities,” a new commentary by CSIS’s Jon B. Alterman. This audio was generated with text-to-speech by Eleven Labs. 

Podcast Episode by Jon B. Alterman — September 30, 2024

Recent Events


Jon B. Alterman
Senior Vice President, Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, and Director, Middle East Program
Seth G. Jones
President, Defense and Security Department; Harold Brown Chair
Will Todman
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Middle East Program
Daniel Byman
Senior Fellow, Warfare, Irregular Threats, and Terrorism Program